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The Social Culture-Issue #25

What another crazy month for social! Here at the m4m office we have been absolutely obsessed with Tik Tok and have learned all about the advertising possibilities that brands can jump on… An app to keep in mind when pulling together your social strategy as well as where to possibly put some of your digital spends! Other updates we saw include, new marketing tools in Facebook messenger and a new messaging app by Instagram! For our full monthly social roundup, continue reading below!

New Business Tools For Facebook Messenger  

Facebook has just recently announced a range of updates for its business tools on Messenger including, new lead generation automation options and appointment booking functions! You will now be able to create lead generation flows where you can continue the conversation with prospects directly in the app and integrate with existing CRM tools to track leads. Another exciting feature is the ‘book now’ option which allows your target audience to book an appointment through the app. This new feature will be made available later during the year, but if you’re interested you can apply to be on the beta waitlist. For more info click here!

Instagram’s New Messaging App, ‘Threads

Instagram is currently in the works of a new messaging app which aims to put more focus on maintaining connections between close friends. When it comes to messaging apps, this is not Instagram’s first rodeo. Their previous messaging app, Direct, was shut down earlier this year after it struggled to gain popularity in key markets. The new app called Threads is designed to be a companion app to Instagram that invites users to automatically share their location, speed, and battery life with friends along with the typical text, photo and video messages using Instagram’s creative tools. The app, designed for sharing with your “close friends” list on Instagram, is now being tested internally at Facebook! Creepy? Maybe but also handy if you are needing wanting to keep in contact with your friends! Click here for more info.

Instagram Is Upping The Amount Of Ads In Your Stories!

This month, Instagram has confirmed it is experimenting with increasing ad volumes in Stories to learn how people and advertisers respond! The test will involve running ads from two different advertisers back-to-back within a Story to a small group of users. All advertisers are eligible to be part of the test. While this allows more ads to be shown there is the potential for ad fatigue by users if back to back story ads become a regular experience on the platform. This means it is more important than ever for your brand to be creative in your content and capture your audience’s attention within the first five seconds in order to stand out from the rest. For more info, click here!

Spotify Is Working On Stories For Playlists

Social media sleuth Jane Manchun Wong, well known for revealing upcoming app features, has made another recent discovery… Spotify is currently working on adding stories to playlists! Users can open the playlist story by tapping the profile picture on the playlist page. So far, it looks just like any other story layout like Facebook and Instagram. A snippet of music is played after each story, which users could save to their library by tapping the Heart button. Click here to read more about Jane’s discovery on her blog!

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